Sunday, October 10, 2010

Why medical imaging software saves lives?

By Kathryn Dawson. (2010, Sept 6). Why medical imaging software saves lives?. Retrieved from: Posted in: Health.

     In this article, the author talked about the tasks of scanning software to save people's lives and it is important for doctors. He has some reasons far that. He says that these devices provide a clear picture of the internal of the body, therefore it can help doctors read the images easily to find the appropriate treatment for patients. There are different machine to scan the body, but not all of them uses software to work in a good way. Maybe the software is not the important thing in this equation because the scan machine is more important, "but the software provides the language in which the data and images can be translated into for interpretation" Kathryn Dawson says. Software has improved in the past few years, so doctors need it so they can see a good and clear image to help the patient. There is another important new advance in the same field. This advance "enables various medical images to be laid on top of one another and viewed together" Kathryn Dawson says. These softwares are a big benefit for the medical field. It is very helpful for doctors, because there are some conditions that they can not know it quickly. It also can save lives by use it with other machines or softwares.
     In this article “Why medical imaging software saves lives”, I have read about the importance of using the software in the medical field. I think that this article contains some important information and it is good at the same time about the importance of software. I agree with the author in some of the points mentioned, such as the software can not be the most important part in the equation because the device itself is more important. Software used in many areas in life as in the medical field, so because of that I see it as an important thing. With the tremendous advances in technology, medical field should have more benefit from these great developments in order to benefit patients. Of course, this software is used in the clarification and purification and to pull the image for doctors to see and gives the proper recipe for the patient to be treated. For myself when I enter the medical specialty in the field of radiation I must be fully aware of these developments and know how to deal with it and use it in the interest of the patient. There must be more developments in medical fields because I think it is important for the world. I am agree with him about that some of the scanning devices do not use this software only as rare, because it can use other functions. In conclusion, I want readers of this article to reflect on what has been said about the great developments that happening in the medical field and also make some incentives in order to develop more than that.

What does CT software do?

By Kathryn Dawson. (2010, Sept 1). What does CT software do? From: Posted in: Health.

     According to Kathryn Dawson in her article "What does CT software do?" she talked about Computed Tomography Scan, or which can also be called CT or CAT scan. CT is used to scan the body and produce 3D images. It is possible for CT scan to go to a little far depth more than X-ray and that can give a clear vision of the skin and internal tissue. Of course CT scan can make a high quality images to complete the procedures on the patient. In a CT scan process the patient body can intake some of the radiation. The person who setting on the device that count how many of radiation the patient's body intake it can take the images to a radiologists to see how to treat it, and then send it to another doctors to complete the procedure. CT scan can be used in some critical cases, and these cases can be internal or in a different degree case, then doctors use it to see if there is any bleeding inside the organs or rupture of some tissues. It is also possible for doctors to use some of advanced devices, but CT scan can give them what exactly they want. CT scan can give fast results not like other devices which take longer time, so doctors love it of it fast and good results. CT scan can also be decisive in medicine fields. CT scan is the most advanced device in seeing different patient illnesses. So, after radiologists seeing and giving advises about the patient images they can give it to the other doctors to treat the patient very well.

     After I read this article, I have seen the different uses of the CT scanning. I am agree with what mentioned in it. Because of the advances in the world especially the medical field. Every patient need fast and accurate results of their illnesses, so I think CT scanning is good to use in some cases or illnesses, like cancer or tumor. I think that Kathryn Dawson have listed many things that can convince anyone of CT scan good use. Even though patient can intake some radiation, but it is OK because radiologist can take the pictures and see how to handle it. In short, CT scanning one of many scanning devices, but from my point of I thin it is the best for internal cases in the body.

What Are the Different Types of Radiology Equipment?


written by N. Madison. Edited by Jenn Webb.
Last Modified: (2010, 9, 9). Retrieved on (2010, 9, 21).


     According to Jenn Webb about “what are the different types of radiology”, she mentioned that there are different types of equipment radiologists can use. These equipments are used to analyze and take images of the inside of the human body. She talked in her article about three machines can be used to examine a patient like X-ray, computer axial tomography (CAT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). X-ray machine which is the most familiar type if radiology equipments. CAT scan the area under examination by producing a cross-sectional images, also CAT scans can be be used instead of x-rays in some cases. MRI is another type of radiology equipments but this type of machine uses a magnetic field instead of radiation.


     I have read this article, and it is a very good article to know about the types of the radiology equipments. This article has a clearly information about these types, and I have known some differences about it. I think that I am agree with all of the points that had been written in the article. For my point of view, people who can visit this site and read this article will have a little background about these machines. One of the most confusing questions that in my mind, what is the best machine to avoid the harmful rays that effect the body?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

By Rabin, R.C. Published: (2010 August, 24).
From: .


     this article talked about radiation and the risks to a woman's breast. The physicians had to have tests for breast imaging. There are some doctors who objected to the tests with high radiation because it can cause canser. There is also, a study figuredout states that some of the tests that lead to inject radiation material into patient which expose much more radiation for wemon than common mammography well increas the risk of cancer in other week organs. There is a belief that the use of imagin technology well be available around the world and natural.


     my reaction to what I have read hs that, there are some good doctors want to develop screening technologies. I think that they are on the right way to do it. I feel that they well attain exceptional progress in screening technologies and the tests they are doing. Although, they do not understand it well, but my feelings toward them as well as people must do in order to courage them. In my opinion, physicians should pay more attention to the amount of radiation on wemon breasts to avoid cancer. A good quote is They’re treating all the tests as if they have the same radiation dose and risk as mammography, and the truth is they have a much, much higher risk. The point of the paper was to say that not all the breast imaging procedures have comparable risks and doses” Dr. Hendrick said. In addition, all the studies were still going on so far, in order to fiend a cure to wemon breasts without harming them. In conclusion, we all hope for physicians to develop screen technology and also to make their treatment without harmful effects on a woman's breasts.

Society of Interventional Radiology supports research for new MS treatments

by BJS. (2010, AUG 26). Society of Interventional Radiology supports research for new MS treatments. From

     this article discusses about an organization show some studies on a bad disease to confirm them. This organization trys to make these studies clear by its excellence tests. They want to be included in improving important guides for the possible of making patients in good condition. In addition, they want to put some of the required studies by combining between researchers and experts in the field of this disease. In short, now days one of interventional radiology fields is developing which is the study of tumor in the body.

     my major is radiology so it was a good article to read about the developments in my field. I am happy because there are some attempts to develop medical specialties which is useful for treating patients. There is certain percentage of multiple sclerosis patient need to be treated. I hope that this work of developments not just in one country or a group of specific researchers or specialists, but it must extend around the world. I agree of what had been written in the article, especially of what SIR president James said. In my mined I have a question, if there is a different way except the catheter placed in a vein what would it be. It's true that in some parts I did not understand because of the difficulty of some terms, also because of the sentences complex structure. At the end, I will read it again to understand it clearly.